Sep 27, 2024  
Whittier College Catalog 2021-2022 
Whittier College Catalog 2021-2022 ARCHIVED CATALOG

Course Descriptions



  • CHIN 499 - Senior Paper and Presentation

    This is a capstone course for students who are majoring in Chinese.

    Pre-req: Instructor Permission
    1 credits

Computer Science

  • COSC 100 - Introduction to Computer Systems

    An overview of how computer systems work. This course will emphasize logical and procedural thinking and also give students practice in computation, abstraction, and creation. Topics include logic, binary arithmetic, binary encoding of data, algorithms, simple computer programming, understanding how the internet works, website architecture, and internet security. Pre-requisite: C- or higher in MATH 076 or a score of 1 or higher on the Math placement test.

    Pre-req:  C- or higher in MATH 76 (or higher) or 1or higher on MATH placement Test
    3 credits
  • COSC 120 - Computer Science I

    Introduction to computer programming in a high-level language such as C, C++, or Java, emphasizing structured programming techniques, procedural methods and simple user-defined data structures.

    Pre-req: 2 on the placement test, or a C- or better in COSC 100, or a C- or better in Math 076, or a C- or better in Math 079.
    3 credits
  • COSC 190 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • COSC 220 - Computer Science II

    Computer programming emphasizing data structures, algorithms, pointers, and low-level interface.

    Pre-req:  C- or higher in COSC 120. 
    3 credits
  • COSC 240 - Data Structures and Algorithms

    This class covers fundamental algorithms and data structures and the basic techniques used to analyze algorithms. Emphasis will be given to searching, sorting, string processing, and graph algorithms. Specific topics may include linked data structures, stacks, queues,priority queues, binary heaps, binary search trees, hash tables, graphs, trees, divide-and-conquer algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, complexity theory, amortized analysis, asymptotic analysis, P vs. NP, and NP-completeness.

    One semester,

    Pre-req: COSC 220
    3 credits

  • COSC 290 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • COSC 295 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • COSC 310 - Operating Systems

    This course covers the basic concepts, design, and implementation of modern operating systems. Topics will include process management, threads, signals, CPU scheduling, concurrency, deadlock prevention, memory management, input/output management, file systems, virtualization, and security.

    One semester

    Pre-req: COSC 240
    3 credits

  • COSC 320 - Computer Organization and Architecture

    This course covers the basic organization of the von Neumann machine, machine-level representation of data and instructions, and assembly language programming. Specific topics will include the instruction fetch/decode/execute cycle; machine representation of integers, floating-point numbers, characters, records, and arrays; instruction sets; addressing modes; subroutine call and returnmechanisms; input/output and interrupts; heap, static, stack, and code segments; and shared-memory multiprocessors.One semester,

    Pre-req: COSC 240
    3 credits
  • COSC 330 - Computer Logic and Circuit Design

    This course serves as an introduction to the electrical engineering and computer science topic of digital circuits, and digital logic.  The course presents theoretical concepts like binary representation of information, Boolean algebra, truth tables, combinatorial logic, and Karnaugh maps.  These concepts prove useful in a wide range of engineering, business, and scientific situations.  The course also provides hands-on experience with the physical implementation of digital logic in the form of logic gates.  Once logic gates are understood, the course then demonstrates how more complex elements are built from simple gates: flip-flops, latches, memory elements, and memory registers all follow.  Finally, elements useful for computing are covered, including binary adders (ALUs) and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs).

    Pre-req: PHYS180, COSC120
    3 credits
  • COSC 340 - Robotics with Arduino

    This course is an introduction to robotics with Arduino. Arduino is an open-source microcontroller which enables users to create interactive electronic objects including simple robots. The course consists of two parts. Part I is learning the ropes with Arduino. Part II involves working with SainSmart’s Arduino-compatible and fully-customizable 2-wheel self-balancing robot. The students taking this class will have laid down a good foundation in robotics, which is a fast-emerging field, with many companies such as Amazon already deploying thousands of robots in their warehouses and factories, including the recently much-touted and a-bit-controversial autonomous (weapons) robots.

    Pre-req: COSC 120 and PHYS 180/
    Cross-listed with PHYS 305
    3 credits
  • COSC 360 - Digital Signal Processing

    A broad overview of digital signal processing (DSP) is offered, beginning by reviewing relevant statistics and complex numbers.  The linear DSP system is then introduced, followed by the topic of filtering data digitally.  The Fourier, Laplace, FFT, and z transforms are presented and applied to digital filtering.  The second half of the course involves DSP applications for scientific data.  Among the application topics are audio systems and music, human hearing, digital imaging, electrical circuits, and applied neural networks.  Computation software packages like octave and MATLAB are taught and used in this course.  The textbook and software for this course are free.

    Pre-req: MATH 142
    3 credits
  • COSC 369 - Walk This Way: Comp & Robotic

    This course introduces the student to the modeling and analysis of legged locomotion.  A multidisciplinary approach is taken to five the student an appreciation for how computer scientists, roboticists, kinesiologists and biologists work together to create models of biological phenomena.  In addition, the course covers how these models are used to design and build real-world systems such as robots and prosthetic devices.  The course consists of lectures and lab activities in which students program computers and construct small demonstration systems.

    Pre-req: COSC 220
    3 credits
  • COSC 390 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • COSC 395 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • COSC 495 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • COSC 499 - Senior Project

    Senior Project

    Pre-req: Instructors Permission
    2 credits


  • ECON 190 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • ECON 200 - Principles of Economics: Macro

    The problem of scarcity; theory of national income and employment; policy applications to problems of employment, inflation and business fluctuations; introduction to money and banking; monetary and fiscal policy.

    3 credits
  • ECON 201 - Principles of Economics: Micro

    Introduction to the theory of price and market behavior. Includes analysis of consumer choice, decisions by firms, industrial organization, and governmental policy as it affects markets. Also includes discussion of economic efficiency and income distribution in the market economy. One semester,

    3 credits
  • ECON 205 - Intro to Quantitative Methods

    This is a course in quantitative methods for economics. It covers basic mathematical, quantitative, computing and statistical tools for the study of economics. The emphasis is on economic applications. Successful completion of this course will provide you with an understanding of mathematical/statistical topics and techniques such as algebraic manipulation, simultaneous equations, optimization, descriptive statistics, probability theory, and regression analysis. This understanding will allow you to better apply mathematical and statistical techniques to economic problems.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: MATH76 or MATH79 or a score of 2 or higher on the Math placement exam.

    Not open to students who have completed MATH80.
    3 credits

  • ECON 290 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • ECON 295 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • ECON 300 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

    Theoretical analysis of forces that determine the general level of prices, output, and employment; monetary and fiscal policy. Determinants of economic growth and introduction to micro-foundations of macroeconomics.

    Pre-req: ECON 200  and ECON 201 
    4 credits
  • ECON 301 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

    The theory of price, of consumer behavior and of the firm under perfect and imperfect competition, with emphasis on analytical tools for modeling choice and markets.

    Pre-req: ECON 200  and ECON 201  
    4 credits
  • ECON 305 - Introduction to Econometrics

    An introduction to the mathematical and statistical tools used to model, test, and forecast economic relationships. Construction of models, data collection, linear regression, hypothesis testing, and forecasting. Introduction to computer software used for regression analysis.

    Pre-req: ECON 200 , ECON 201 , and ECON 205
    4 credits
  • ECON 310 - Money and Banking

    An examination of the institutional structure of the U.S. financial system, including the scope and effect of bank deregulation; the instruments and theoretical impact of Federal Reserve System monetary policy on the domestic and international economy. This course explores the economics of commercial banks, central banks, financial markets, and financial crises.

    Pre-req: ECON 200  
    3 credits
  • ECON 330 - Game Theory

    Strategic decision-making and the tools used to analyze competitive situations in a wide variety of disciplines. Topics include backward inductions, sub game perfect equilibria, imperfect information, normal and extensive form games, repeated games, and an introduction to evolutionary game theory.

    3 credits
  • ECON 361 - Environmental Economics

    Understanding how environmental problems come to be and how best to solve them, with keen attention to the role and nature of markets, human behavior, institutions, and governmental policy. Students learn to see and redefine environmental problems as failures of incentives; investigate economic theory, concepts and tools relevant for environmental policy and understand the political and environmental history and complexity of environmental issues such as water management and air quality control.

    3 credits
  • ECON 363 - Energy and Climate Change: Economics, Science and Policy

    This course explores the science, economics and policy of climate change and energy resources. It covers a basic science foundation of climate change and an economics foundation for energy systems and climate policy. It also details how to conduct an economic feasibility and break-even analysis of a project such as renewable energy or energy efficiency installation. Students will become familiar building spreadsheets in Excel with costs and benefits over time and in present value terms. Regular readings on energy and climate change topics, including particular renewable energy technologies, will be assigned and discussed in small groups and as a class. A large portion of the class will be centered around team projects, which will identify, measure and analyze potential cost savings for a renewable energy or energy saving project on the Whittier College campus.


    Pre-req: ECON 200 or ECON 201.
    Cross-listed with ENST 363.

  • ECON 365 - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics

    This course surveys the broad fields of agricultural and natural resource economics and policy. It examines the central concept of scarcity and how that drives economic value. We explore the concepts of value, efficiency and institutional failure in the management of renewable natural resources including arable land, timber and fisheries as well as of non-renewable resources such as minerals and hydrocarbon fuels. We also investigate agricultural development in the U.S. and what drives technological advancement. Finally, the course assesses the role and efficacy of markets and public policy in managing our natural resources efficiently and sustainably.


    Pre-req:  ECON 200 and ECON 201.
    Cross-listed with ENST 365

  • ECON 371 - Political Economy of Development

    Economic development is a very wide concept. Still, understanding it is paramount. We live in a globalized world in which all our actions affect and are affected by what happens in other regions. This course will examine the political, social and cultural factors behind development. On the one hand, we will explore how different historical and underlying factors influence development today. On the other hand, we will analyze how current political and social contexts affect economic development: What is the role of different political systems, corruption, institutions and cultural perspectives on promoting or preventing development. The course is interdisciplinary and draws mainly upon research on development economics, history, development studies, political science, anthropology and geography. We will analyze different perspectives and try to elucidate a path looking forward on economic development.


    The course is designed for advanced undergraduate students who are interested in economic development and who are looking to work in international organizations, NGOs, continue their graduate studies, or are particularly interested in topics related to political economy and development. We will talk about common issues that affect poor and developing countries and their challenges for development. We will also examine the role of the aid community and the evolution of the thinking on what development is and how to attain it. We will talk about the role of emerging countries in the globalization process, and how development can be accomplished in collaboration with the private sector.

    Pre-req: ECON 200 or 201
    3 credits

  • ECON 372 - Unthinking Migration

    Migration is an existent phenomenon that has always existed. Still, its interpretation has mutated in recent decades.  Internal and international migration has become a more contested phenomenon, with boundaries that have become less permeable. In this class, we are going to review what are the factors that drive migration, as well as how does migration transforms both, the place of origin and the host country/city. We will also analyze some of the obstacles for migration and what are some of the challenges that migration poses. Brief, in the course, we will explore migration patterns, immigration policies, sources and causes of migration, and the impacts that migration generates. This is a hands-on, multidisciplinary course, that will use methods and tools from micro and macroeconomics, history, politics and sociology. We will discover and unthink it using real data, and methods that include surveys and observation, as well as exploring migrant communities under different contexts.

    4 credits
  • ECON 383 - Comparative Economic Systems

    Multidimensional coverage of the evolution and performance of economic systems, including capitalism, socialism, communism, transitioning, new traditional, and fascism. The emergence of market-based capitalism as the dominant economic paradigm is considered as is economic globalization and how cross-societal cultural differences affect international economic interactions and whether repeated interaction leads to cultural homogenization.

    Pre-req: ECON 200  or ECON 201  
    3 credits
  • ECON 385 - International Trade and Finance

    Basic principles of international trade and finance. The trade portion of the course focuses on developing an understanding of the underlying rational supporting trade, benefits and costs associated with trade liberalization and the effects of commercial policy. The finance portion focuses on the components of the international financial architecture, foreign exchange markets, capital flows, and monetary policymaking in an open economy. Not open to those who have completed ECON 380

    Pre-req: ECON 200  or ECON 201  
    3 credits
  • ECON 386 - Growth & Development

    Surveys the main economic models of growth and development.  Topics include:  Why are some countries rich and others poor?  Can less developed countries catch up with the income level of the developed world?  What are the determinants of economic growth and development?  Can growth continue forever?  The course addresses policy issues related to poverty, income distribution, structural change, savings, foreign trade

    Pre-req: ECON 200  or ECON 201  
    3 credits
  • ECON 390 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • ECON 395 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • ECON 400A - Senior Project I in Economics

    Senior project for the major.  Provides individual guidance by faculty in the selection of a topic, research methodology, and writing of a thesis. In-depth analysis of a self-selected topic, including synthesis of literature, gathering and analyzing data to examine a particular hypothesis.

    Pre-req: ECON 300  and   or ECON 301  
    3 credits
  • ECON 400B - Senior Project II in Economics

    Senior presentation for the major. Completion involves public presentation of the senior thesis.

    Pre-req: ECON 400A  
    1 credits
  • ECON 490 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • ECON 495 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits


  • EDUC 010 - Research with Children

    Students will learn research methods, curriculum development and/or participate in a research study with school age children. May be repeated for credit.

      May be repeated for credit

    Cross-listed with EDUC 615
    0 to 2 credits

  • EDUC 066 - Community-Based Teaching Practicum

    Provides students interested in teaching or other education careers with a supervised teaching experience in the Fifth Dimension community-based learning program. In this course students will learn the Fifth Dimension model in after-school programs, child development theories, teaching strategies and pedagogies, and how gaming/computers can be a tool in learning and education. Requires a minimum of 26 hours per credit of fieldwork/service in the Fifth Dimension plus attendance at a class meeting weekly. May be repeated for credit. Instructor Permission. May be repeated for credit

    Pre-req: Instructor Permission
    Cross-listed with EDUC 067  
    0 to 1 credits
  • EDUC 067 - Experiences in Education

    Provides students interested in teaching or other education careers with relevant experiences in classrooms or other field settings. May require a Certificate of Clearance. May be repeated for credit. May be repeated for credit

    0 to 3 credits
  • EDUC 068 - Tutoring in Reading

    Learning to tutor elementary school aged children in reading and writing. Focuses on developing strategies for building oral language, reading to and with children, and helping children learn to write. Requires classes meetings and 10 hours of fieldwork.

    2 credits
  • EDUC 101 - Introduction to Teaching

    This is a foundational education course for students who are considering teaching as a profession and/or who are seeking a better understanding about the complexity and importance of education. The course will provide students with an introduction to the field of education by giving an overview of the various elements that impact education. It will also cover the teaching profession by discussing current challenges and requirements for the profession.


      3 credits

    Pre-req: Pre-Req: 1rst & 2nd Year Only
    3 credits

  • EDUC 190 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • EDUC 245 - African American Education and Schooling

    This course examines the education and schooling experience for African Americans from the 17th century to present day.  It will look at schooling within a social, political, cultural, and economic context.  It will explore how the purpose of education for African Americans changed over time and how education was used as a tool of resistance and liberation.  Finally, this course will look at how education legislation, curriculum and high stakes testing impact academic achievement for African American children and often function as a means of stratification rather than education.

    3 credits
  • EDUC 250 - Urban Education

    In this course students will learn about both historical and contemporary issues in public school education, which have led to opportunity gaps between underrepresented groups. Students will study the schooling experiences of Latinos, African Americans, and Multilingual Learners in K-12 settings. Local school visits and educational documentaries will be utilized as experiential and pedagogical tools.

    Pre-req: ANTH 211 , CHDV 105 , or SOC 200
    3 credits
  • EDUC 255 - Perspectives on Science Education

    This is an introductory course that explores past and present idea within science education including how science is portrayed as a human endeavor, the various goals/purposes of a science curriculum, and what it means to teach science to others. The course is interactive and experiential. To complement course readings and assignments students will participate in a variety of activities such comparing science textbooks from the 1960s (i.e. those published in response to the launching of Sputnik) to modern materials and investigating the diverse experiences and ideas individuals hold regarding science as a discipline and “way of knowing”.

    3 credits
  • EDUC 262 - Children’s Literature

    Survey of literary genres and elements, including picture books, folklore, poetry, historical fiction, contemporary realism and nonfiction. Some attention to pedagogical issues for teacher credential candidates.

    3 credits
  • EDUC 282 - Progressive Teaching and Learning

    This course enables students to understand the principles and practices of community-based education through both participation and academic study at two unique fifth dimension program sites. Students integrate their experience with (a) study of the psychological theories and philosophical perspectives that underlie the design of the Fifth Dimension and similar community-based learning programs and (b) an examination of how these design principles define and practice the role of teacher and learner.

    4 credits
  • EDUC 290 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • EDUC 295 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • EDUC 300 - Sociological & Historical Perspectives on Education

    Examines the socio-cultural and historical contexts in which learning and development occur. Topics include the social and cultural conditions of K-12 schools, the historical and cultural traditions of major cultural and ethnic groups in California society, and how the background experiences, languages, skills and abilities of members of these groups interact with conditions and practices of schools. Explores concepts, principles, and values necessary to create and sustain an equitable classroom community and a just, democratic society. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential.

    Pre-req: Sophomore Standing (PICES exempt)
    Cross-listed with EDUC 500  
    3 credits
  • EDUC 301 - Heritage, Identity, & Empowerment

    This course provides pre-service teachers with the tools to promote cultural relevancy with not only their students of color, but all students. It will give them methods for teaching students about their heritage within the confines of the standard curriculum. Through the use of K-12 school based texts, course readings on multicultural education, discussions, classroom activities, including performance based activities, the students will be encouraged to think beyond Black History Month, Asian American Month, and Hispanic Heritage Month and find cultural connections on a daily basis.

    Co-req: THEA 230 
    3 credits
  • EDUC 321 - African American Children’s Literature

    This is a class about the history and culture of African Americans from West Africa to the United States as represented in children’s literature. The course discusses both writers and illustrators of children’s texts with an emphasis on how both the writers and illustrators depict authenticity and representation. Furthermore, covering the following topics, and more: West Africa, Colonialism, The Middle Passage, Slavery, Abolitionism, Jim Crow, The Great Migration, Integration, Lynching, Sharecropping, Poverty, Language, Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Gay Rights Art, Music, Food, Black Popular Culture, and the Body.


    3 credits

  • EDUC 390 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • EDUC 395 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • EDUC 401 - Teaching Diverse Learners

    Provides theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for working with culturally diverse K-12 students, families, and communities. Includes analysis of alternative viewpoints on current educational goals, practices, and issues, as well as methods for building a just, democratic classroom culture. Certificate of Clearance required in order to complete 10 hours of fieldwork (placement provided by Director of Student Teaching). Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential.

    3 credits

    Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 300  and CHDV 105  
    Co-req: EDUC 401L  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 501  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 402 - Literacy Development in Elementary School

    This course focuses on research and pedagogy for delivering a balanced and comprehensive

    program of instruction in reading, writing, and related language arts areas in linguistically and/or

    culturally diverse elementary classrooms. Topics include: basic word analysis skills and comprehension strategies, literature-based instruction, vocabulary development, on-going diagnostic strategies/interventions, content area literacy, and organizing for instruction. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Fieldwork required.

    3 credits

    Crosslisted with EDUC 502


    Pre-req: EDUC 300 (also can be taken as co-req), Certificate of Clearance
    Co-req: EDUC 402L  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 502  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 403 - Teaching Content Area Literacy

    The course consists of research and methodology for preparing secondary teachers to teach content-based reading and writing skills to all students. Topics include: reading comprehension skills, elementary literacy, vocabulary, strategies for promoting oral and written language, phonological/structure of the English language, and writing across the curriculum. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Fieldwork required. 

    Pre-req: Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501

    Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development
    Cross-listed with EDUC 503
    3 credits

  • EDUC 404 - Second Language Acquisition Methodology

    Examines primary and second language development in theory and as applied to multicultural/multilingual educational contexts, helping prospective teachers develop a sound understanding of first (L1) and second language (L2) processes. Focuses on the socio-cultural, historical, political nature of language learning in the classroom and how the educational system addresses the needs of English Language (EL) Learners. Certificate of Clearance required in order to complete 10 hours of fieldwork (placement provided by Director of Student Teaching). Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501

    Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development
    Co-req: EDUC 404L  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 504  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 405 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy: Lang Arts w/Hist-Soc Sci & Visual & Perf Arts

    Research and methodology for integrating language arts with social studies and the visual and performing arts in linguistically and/or culturally diverse elementary classrooms. Topics include: writing in the content areas, literature-based instruction, use of simulations, case studies, cultural artifacts, cooperative projects, and student research activities, assessing learning, and organizing for Instruction. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. 10 hours of fieldwork embedded in course.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501

    Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development
    Co-req: EDUC 405L  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 505  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 406 - Learning and Learners

    This course examines major concepts, principles, and research associated with theories of human thinking, learning, and achievement, with special attention to the social-cultural nature of learning and the role of students’ prior understandings and experiences. This course will provide experience in using research-based concepts and principles in designing, planning, and adapting instruction for K-12 students. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Co-req: EDUC 406L  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 506  
    3 credits
  • EDUC 407 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy: Mathematics & Science

    This course is an introduction to designing elementary math and science lessons using inquiry. Three big ideas drive the instruction and activities for this course (based on How People Learn, 2000): (1) That young learners enter the classroom with prior knowledge of math and science that needs to be addressed during instruction; (2) Each lesson should be designed around a limited number of learning goals that deepen a learner’s conceptual framework about math and/or science; (3)In addition to providing opportunities for the teacher to assess student thinking, lessons must provide students opportunities to monitor and reflect upon their own learning. Additionally, as promoted by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics ([CCSS-M], CDE, 2013) and Next Generation Science Standards ([NGSS], NGSS Lead States, 2013), course activities and discussions will focus on how lessons should provide learners with opportunities to learn how knowledge in math and science is constructed and communicated by practitioners of those fields (i.e. Mathematicians & Scientists). The work completed during this course will help candidates learn to evaluate existing elementary curriculum/resources and be able to modify them when needed.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501

    Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development
    Co-req: EDUC 407L  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 507  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 408 - Single Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy I

    This course is designed to introduce single subject teacher candidates to curriculum planning and assessment. This course will engage candidates in thinking about the decision-making process surrounding what and how we teach, as well as how we monitor student learning. Topics include: California subject matter standards, formative and summative assessment strategies, and curriculum analysis.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501

    Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development
    Co-req: EDUC 408L  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 508  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 409 - Single Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy II

    Advanced instructional planning and teaching methods for Single Subject candidates in core academic subject areas, with separate course sections for candidates in the areas of (1) English or history-social sciences; (2) mathematics or science; (3) physical education; or (4) Spanish. Focuses on appropriate subject-matter-specific methods for planning and teaching a comprehensive program that enables students to achieve state-adopted academic content standards. Topics for candidates in all subject areas include supporting English language learners, responding to student diversity, developing a wide repertoire of teaching methods, and effectively using instructional resources including technology. Certificate of Clearance required in order to complete 10 hours of fieldwork (placement provided by Director of Student Teaching). Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501

    Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development
    Co-req: EDUC 409L  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 509  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 412 - Promoting Students’ Health and Safety

    An examination of the major concepts and principles related to student health and safety and a discussion of strategies that foster student health and contribute to a healthy learning environment.  Topics include:  health and fitness principles, consumer issues as related to healthy lifestyle, student behaviors which compromise their health and safety, and strategies for proactive approaches to resolve conflicts and maintain a safe learning environment.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: PICES only
    Cross-listed with EDUC 512
    1 credits
  • EDUC 420 - Student Teaching

    Carefully planned and supervised teaching experiences in school programs and grade levels selected by the department to meet requirements for the California Preliminary Multiple Subject, California Preliminary Single Subject, or California Preliminary Education Specialist Teaching Credentials. Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit. This course is for CREDIT ONLY; no letter grade will be assigned.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: PICES only
    Co-req: Concurrent Registration in EDUC 421.
    Cross-listed with EDUC 520
    0-12 credits
  • EDUC 421 - Student Teaching Seminar

    A professional development seminar designed for traditional and intern student teachers concurrently enrolled in EDUC 520: Student Teaching. Separate sections are provided for candidates pursuing Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist preliminary teaching credentials. Topics covered are intended to assist teachers in understanding classroom and school procedures, classroom management, and instructional strategies, focusing on the completion of Teacher Performance Assessments (Instructional Cycles 1 & 2), and the Individual Development Plan (IDP). May be repeated for credit. This course is for CREDIT ONLY; no letter grade will be assigned.

    Pre-req: Pre-req: PICES only
    Co-req: Concurrent Registration in EDUC 420.
    Cross-listed with EDUC 521
    1 credits
  • EDUC 429 - Intro to Exceptional Learners


    The course provides students with an understanding of the characteristics of children with disabilities such as Specific Learning Disabilities, Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, Other Health Impairment-Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder, and Autism. Students will examine a variety of developmentally and ability-appropriate instructional strategies, resources, and programs used to create inclusive learning environments that enable all students to learn and succeed. Students will analyze Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs), and Individual Transition Plans (ITPs) for the purpose of making informed decisions aimed at supporting the needs of diverse learners. Certificate of Clearance required in order to complete 15 hours of fieldwork (placement provided by Director of Student Teaching). Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. 2 credits.


    EDUC 300 (also can be taken as co-req), Certificate of Clearance
    Cross-listed with EDUC 529  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 430 - Foundations of Special Education


    In this course, students are presented with theory, program concepts and teaching practices related to the implementation of special education services for students with mild to moderate and moderate to severe disabilities and their families.  Foundational knowledge on the identification of disabilities, service delivery models and the legislative framework that mandates key special education practices is provided.  Additional emphasis is placed on the communication, consultation and collaboration skills useful in forming productive partnerships with families, school personnel and community service providers.  Factors impacting student wellbeing and the importance of universal precautions are also explored. Class readings and course assignments are integrated within this class to establish the connection from special education theory to practice culminating in the development of a personal philosophy of special education. Certificate of Clearance required in order to complete 15 hours of fieldwork (placement provided by Director of Student Teaching). Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential.

    3 credits





    EDUC 300 (also can be taken as co-req), Certificate of Clearance
    Cross-listed with EDUC 530  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 431 - Assessment of Students with Exceptionalities

    Candidates will examine formal and informal assessments used to effectively evaluate the academic, functional, and behavioral needs of students with and without disabilities for the purpose of making informed instructional, intervention, and placement decisions. Emphasis is placed on cultural and linguistic considerations for appropriate assessment administration and the use of various approaches to assess developmental, academic, behavioral, social, communication, and life skills of students. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. *10 hours of fieldwork required Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 430/530
    Cross-listed with EDUC 531  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 432 - Case Management and Assistive Technology

    In this course, candidates will examine the communication and collaboration skills necessary for effective case management and transition planning for individuals with exceptionalities. Topics include self-determination and the planning, implementation, and assessment of transitional experiences across the life-span. The legalities associated with the IFSP/IEP/Transitional planning process are explored and candidates learn how to design instruction that is aligned with IEP goals and objectives and supports students’ ability to access the core curriculum. Assistive technology is explored as a tool to facilitate communication, curriculum access, and skill development of students with exceptionalities. Fieldwork required. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 430/530
    2 credits

  • EDUC 433 - Creating Positive Classroom Management and Behavior Systems

    This course provides candidates with the knowledge, skills, abilities necessary to apply the principles of applied behavior analysis for the purpose of conducting a functional behavioral assessment and implementing a behavior intervention plan as part of a school wide positive behavior support framework. Emphasis is placed on behavior based data collection, analysis, and progress monitoring of classroom management systems and the laws and regulations associated with the promotion of positive and self-regulatory student behavior. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. *10 hours of fieldwork required Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 430/530
    Cross-listed with EDUC 533
    3 credits

  • EDUC 434 - Characteristics and Instructional Practices for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities

    This course begins with an overview of the characteristics of students with mild/moderate disabilities and the implications of these characteristics for effective service delivery. Candidates will gain knowledge of evidence-based practices in the areas of mathematics, reading, speaking, written language, and listening, which are designed to ensure access to the general curriculum across settings. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of differentiated instruction and appropriate use of accommodations and modifications. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Fieldwork Required. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development


    Pre-req: EDUC 430/530
    Cross-listed with EDUC 534
    3 credits

  • EDUC 436 - Character & Instructional Practices for Moderate to Severe Disabilities

    This course will provide a knowledge base and opportunities for candidates to develop and implement systematic instructional strategies and programs to meet the needs of students with extensive support needs.  Emphasis will be placed on the importance of assessing and developing student profiles of unique strengths and needs, learning characteristics and styles, and behavioral needs for the development of effective programs aligned with evidenced-based strategies for intervention and support. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. *10 hours of fieldwork required Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 430/530
    Cross-listed with EDUC 536
    3 credits

  • EDUC 490 - Selected Topics

    May be repeated for credit

    1 to 4 credits
  • EDUC 495 - Independent Study

    Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    1 to 4 credits
  • EDUC 500 - Social/Anthropological Perspective on Education

    Examines the socio-cultural and historical contexts in which learning and development occur. Topics include the social and cultural conditions of K-12 schools, the historical and cultural traditions of major cultural and ethnic groups in California society, and how the background experiences, languages, skills and abilities of members of these groups interact with conditions and practices of schools. Explores concepts, principles, and values necessary to create and sustain an equitable classroom community and a just, democratic society. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential.

    Pre-req: Graduate standing only; Certificate of Clearance
    3 credits
  • EDUC 501 - Teaching Diverse Learners

    Provides theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for working with culturally diverse K-12 students, families, and communities. Includes analysis of alternative viewpoints on current educational goals, practices, and issues, as well as methods for building a just, democratic classroom culture. Certificate of Clearance required in order to complete 10 hours of fieldwork (placement provided by Director of Student Teaching). Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    3 credits

  • EDUC 502 - Literacy Development in Elementary School

    This course focuses on research and pedagogy for delivering a balanced and comprehensive program of instruction in reading, writing, and related language arts areas in linguistically and/or culturally diverse elementary classrooms. Topics include: basic word analysis skills and comprehension strategies, literature-based instruction, vocabulary development, on-going diagnostic strategies/interventions, content area literacy, and organizing for instruction. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Fieldwork required. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Cross-listed with EDUC 402  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 503 - Teaching Content Area Literacy

    The course consists of research and methodology for preparing secondary teachers to teach content-based reading and writing skills to all students. Topics include: reading comprehension skills, elementary literacy, vocabulary, strategies for promoting oral and written language, phonological/structure of the English language, and writing across the curriculum. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Fieldwork required. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Cross-listed with EDUC 403  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 504 - Second Language Acquisition Methodology

    Examines primary and second language development in theory and as applied to multicultural/multilingual educational contexts, helping prospective teachers develop a sound understanding of first (L1) and second language (L2) processes. Focuses on the socio-cultural, historical, political nature of language learning in the classroom and how the educational system addresses the needs of English Language (EL) Learners. Certificate of Clearance required in order to complete 10 hours of fieldwork (placement provided by Director of Student Teaching). Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Cross-listed with EDUC 404  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 505 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy: Language Arts with Social Studies, Visual & Performing Arts

    Research and methodology for integrating language arts with social studies and the visual and performing arts in linguistically and/or culturally diverse elementary classrooms. Topics include: writing in the content areas, literature-based instruction, use of simulations, case studies, cultural artifacts, cooperative projects, and student research activities, assessing learning, and organizing for Instruction. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. 10 hours of fieldwork embedded in course. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req:  EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Cross-listed with EDUC 405  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 506 - Learning and Learners

    This course examines major concepts, principles, and research associated with theories of human thinking, learning, and achievement, with special attention to the social-cultural nature of learning and the role of students’ prior understandings and experiences. This course will provide experience in using research-based concepts and principles in designing, planning, and adapting instruction for K-12 students. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential.

    Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    3 credits
  • EDUC 507 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy: Mathematics & Science

    This course is an introduction to designing elementary math and science lessons using inquiry. Three big ideas drive the instruction and activities for this course (based on How People Learn, 2000): (1) That young learners enter the classroom with prior knowledge of math and science that needs to be addressed during instruction; (2) Each lesson should be designed around a limited number of learning goals that deepen a learner’s conceptual framework about math and/or science; (3)In addition to providing opportunities for the teacher to assess student thinking, lessons must provide students opportunities to monitor and reflect upon their own learning. Additionally, as promoted by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics ([CCSS-M], CDE, 2013) and Next Generation Science Standards ([NGSS], NGSS Lead States, 2013), course activities and discussions will focus on how lessons should provide learners with opportunities to learn how knowledge in math and science is constructed and communicated by practitioners of those fields (i.e. Mathematicians & Scientists). The work completed during this course will help candidates learn to evaluate existing elementary curriculum/resources and be able to modify them when needed. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Cross-listed with EDUC 407  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 508 - Single Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy I

    This course is designed to introduce single subject teacher candidates to curriculum planning and assessment. This course will engage candidates in thinking about the decision-making process surrounding what and how we teach, as well as how we monitor student learning. Topics include: California subject matter standards, formative and summative assessment strategies, and curriculum analysis. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Cross-listed with EDUC 408  
    3 credits

  • EDUC 509 - Single Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy II

    Advanced instructional planning and teaching methods for Single Subject candidates in core academic subject areas, with separate course sections for candidates in the areas of (1) English or history-social sciences; (2) mathematics or science; (3) physical education; or (4) Spanish. Focuses on appropriate subject-matter-specific methods for planning and teaching a comprehensive program that enables students to achieve state-adopted academic content standards. Topics for candidates in all subject areas include supporting English language learners, responding to student diversity, developing a wide repertoire of teaching methods, and effectively using instructional resources including technology. Certificate of Clearance required in order to complete 10 hours of fieldwork (placement provided by Director of Student Teaching). Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Cross-listed with EDUC 409  
    409 credits

  • EDUC 512 - Promoting Student’s Health and Safety

    An examination of the major concepts and principles related to student health and safety and a discussion of strategies that foster student health and contribute to a healthy learning environment.  Topics include:  health and fitness principles, consumer issues as related to healthy lifestyle, student behaviors which compromise their health and safety, and strategies for proactive approaches to resolve conflicts and maintain a safe learning environment.

    Cross-listed with EDUC 412
    1 credits
  • EDUC 520 - Student Teaching

    Carefully planned and supervised teaching experiences in school programs and grade levels selected by the department to meet requirements for the California Preliminary Multiple Subject, California Preliminary Single Subject, or California Preliminary Education Specialist Teaching Credentials. Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit. Credit and time arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    Pre-req: Credential Standing
    Co-req: EDUC 521  
    Cross-listed with EDUC 420
    0 or 12 credits
  • EDUC 521 - Student Teaching Seminar

    A professional development seminar designed for traditional and intern student teachers concurrently enrolled in EDUC 520: Student Teaching. Separate sections are provided for candidates pursuing Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist preliminary teaching credentials. Topics covered are intended to assist teachers in understanding classroom and school procedures, classroom management, and instructional strategies, focusing on the completion of Teacher Performance Assessments (Instructional Cycles 1 & 2), and the Individual Development Plan (IDP). May be repeated for credit. May be repeated for credit

    Co-req: EDUC 520
    Cross-listed with EDUC 421
    1 credits
  • EDUC 529 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners

    The course provides students with an understanding of the characteristics of children with disabilities such as Specific Learning Disabilities, Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, Other Health Impairment-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism. Students will examine a variety of developmentally and ability-appropriate instructional strategies, resources, and programs used to create inclusive learning environments that enable all students to learn and succeed. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. *10 hours of fieldwork required Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 300/500 or EDUC 401/501
    Cross-listed with EDUC 429
    2 credits

  • EDUC 530 - Foundations of Special Education

    In this course, students are presented with theory, program concepts, and teaching practices related to the implementation of special education services for students with mild to moderate and moderate to severe disabilities and their families. Foundational knowledge on the identification of disabilities, service delivery models, and the legislative framework that mandates key special education practices is provided. Additional emphasis is placed on communication, consultation, and collaboration skills useful in forming productive partnerships with families, school personnel, and community service providers. Factors impacting student wellbeing and the importance of universal precautions are also explored. Class readings and course assignments are integrated within this class to establish the connection from special education theory to practice culminating in the development of a personal philosophy of special education. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. *10 hours of fieldwork required Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Cross-listed with EDUC 430
    3 credits

  • EDUC 531 - Assessment of Students with Exceptionalities

    Candidates will examine formal and informal assessments used to effectively evaluate the academic, functional, and behavioral needs of students with and without disabilities for the purpose of making informed instructional, intervention, and placement decisions. Emphasis is placed on cultural and linguistic considerations for appropriate assessment administration and the use of various approaches to assess developmental, academic, behavioral, social, communication, and life skills of students. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. *10 hours of fieldwork required

      Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 430/530
    Cross-listed with EDUC 432
    3 credits

  • EDUC 532 - Case Management and Assistive Tech

    In this course, candidates will examine the communication and collaboration skills necessary for effective case management and transition planning for individuals with exceptionalities. Topics include self-determination and the planning, implementation, and assessment of transitional experiences across the life-span. The legalities associated with the IFSP/IEP/Transitional planning process are explored and candidates learn how to design instruction that is aligned with IEP goals and objectives and supports students’ ability to access the core curriculum. Assistive technology is explored as a tool to facilitate communication, curriculum access, and skill development of students with exceptionalities. Fieldwork required. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 430/530 
    Cross-listed with EDUC 432
    2 credits

  • EDUC 533 - Creating Positive Classroom Management and Behavior Systems

    This course provides candidates with the knowledge, skills, abilities necessary to apply the principles of applied behavior analysis for the purpose of conducting a functional behavioral assessment and implementing a behavior intervention plan as part of a school wide positive behavior support framework. Emphasis is placed on behavior based data collection, analysis, and progress monitoring of classroom management systems and the laws and regulations associated with the promotion of positive and self-regulatory student behavior. Individuals taking this course must earn at least a B- in order for the course to count towards preliminary credential. *10 hours of fieldwork required Requires Certificate of Clearance (CoC)

    See Department of Education & Child Development

    Pre-req: EDUC 430/530
    Cross-listed with EDUC 433
    3 credits


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