Feb 16, 2025  
Whittier College Catalog 2021-2022 
Whittier College Catalog 2021-2022 ARCHIVED CATALOG

Academic Support Programs And Services

Bonnie Bell Wardman Library

For Bonnie Bell Wardman Library see here.

Broadoaks Children’s School

The Broadoaks Children’s School is a learning laboratory for Whittier College students and faculty.  The preschool and elementary classrooms sit at the northeast corner of the college campus; the middle school is located about two blocks away on the Friends School Campus.  Founded in 1906, Broadoaks is among the oldest and best known college laboratory and demonstration schools in the country. Broadoaks provides research, fieldwork, and pre-professional work opportunities for Whittier College students from such diverse disciplines as education, child development, social work, music, theater, psychology, political science, business, kinesiology, philosophy, and many others.

Broadoaks serves approximately 380 children and families enrolled in preschool through 8th grade in its year-round programs, including before- and after-school care.

The Broadoaks School is a truly unique place, renowned for its outstanding educational programs; its positive, child-centered approach; and the success of its graduates. The school’s experienced and dedicated teachers are the cornerstone of its popularity and success. The curriculum emphasizes active learning as the foundation for future academic success, responsible citizenship, and lifelong learning. Teachers use the students’ strengths and interests as a springboard for teaching the grade-level curriculum, using Common Core and state guidelines as a framework. Several Whittier College professors also teach at Broadoaks in such subjects as philosophy, Spanish, theatre, and music.

Broadoaks also hosts two campus organizations, Delta Phi Upsilon, the national honor society in education and childhood studies, and OMEP-Whittier College, the first collegiate chapter of OMEP, the World Organization for Early Childhood Education.  Representing many disciplines, students who join OMEP-Whittier College study global, national, and local children’s issues, ranging from trafficking to homelessness.  They participate in a variety of activities with the students at Broadoaks to promote the wellbeing of the world’s children.

For Broadoaks Children’s School see here.

Campus Center

The creation of a new Student Union was identified as a top priority in the College’s Strategic Plan. Funded through a combination of gifts and bond proceeds, the Campus Center was completed in the fall of 2008 and the College community celebrated its grand opening on October 17, 2008. The Center consolidates into one location Whittier’s student life programs and offices including the Dean of Students, Residential Life, Career Planning and Internships, Roberta G. Veloz Leadership, Experience, and Programs (LEAP), and the Cultural Center. The Mailroom and Copy Services occupy a key location in the west entryway. Quaker Campus, Acropolis, QCTV, Student Government and the KPOET Radio Station are located on the ground floor. The Center also houses the Campus Inn dining, The Spot Café, the Chefs’ Dining Room, the Richard P. Ettinger Lounge, Olive & Bob Clift Bookstore, and Bill & Harriet’s Club 88. A.J. Villalobos Hall is a beautifully appointed standalone facility that provides multipurpose space for a variety of campus events.

In thinking about the new Campus Center, our goals were to create a visually attractive and up-to-date commons for the entire College community - a place to eat and socialize - a place for both resident and commuting students to congregate - and a place for students to conveniently do their business. Distinguished architect Brenda Levin, of Levin and Associates, helped Whittier to successfully translate our vision into a vital and lovely reality.

Campus Safety

For Campus Safety see here.

International Programs

Andy Wallis, Director, Office of International Programs

Kerry Gonzales, Assistant Director, Office of International Programs

In keeping with Whittier College’s commitment to offer a well-rounded liberal arts education, qualified students are encouraged to apply to study abroad for an academic year, semester, Jan term or May term in a country and academic environment that will enrich their overall college experience; contribute positively to the life of the College; and generate responsible participation in a global, multi-cultural society. The purpose of study abroad is to immerse students in an international culture so that they may:

  • Become informed firsthand of the history, culture, and contemporary issues of the country
  • Understand the way people of the host country view the rest of the world
  • Gain insight into their own culture by comparing and contrasting home Institutions and values with those of the host country.

Whittier offers opportunities for international study in over 25 countries at more than 70 locations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and Latin America through affiliations with a variety of programs and academic institutions.

These study abroad programs can help students:

  • Meet major or minor requirements
  • Complete liberal education courses
  • Achieve proficiency in a second language
  • Take courses not available at Whittier College

Course work abroad can be taken in the language of the host country or in English. There are many different options for students to personalize their international educational experience.

In addition, the Office of International Programs serves the special needs of international students on the Whittier College campus. The office acts primarily as a source of information and assistance, with the goal of helping to make the international student experience at Whittier College as productive and meaningful as possible.

The office provides the following services:

  • Issuance of required immigration documents
  • Student tracking and reporting as required by SEVP and the Department of State
  • Fall and spring orientation programs
  • Assistance with financial and personal matters
  • Assistance with health insurance, internships, on-campus employment, tax and immigration matters
  • Certificates of enrollment and official letters for foreign administration offices
  • Information on social and cultural events
  • Liaison with campus and community programs

Study Abroad and Faculty-Led Travel Program Policies:

For academic year and/or semester study abroad programs, Whittier College students are charged the equivalent of Whittier tuition for the term(s) abroad and an administrative study abroad fee of $500, which covers program tuition, health insurance, and program specific administrative fees. A charge for health insurance will also appear on the student bill, unless paperwork is filed with the Business Office to waive the charge. Participants are responsible for paying room and board (if applicable) directly to the program provider.

Study abroad participants may use the standard Business Office payment plan as if still on campus to pay tuition and the administrative fee.

Students approved for academic year and/or semester programs may apply federal and state loans, along with any outside scholarships or grants they might receive to the bills generated by the Business Office.

However, Whittier College merit scholarships and/or grants will be distributed in the following manner:

  • Students with a 3.5 - 4.0 or on an exchange program will be allowed to apply 100 percent of their Whittier merit/grant aid
  • Students with a 3.0 - 3.49 will be allowed to apply 70 percent of their Whittier merit/grant aid
  • Students with a 2.75 - 2.99 will be allowed to apply 40 percent of their Whittier merit/grant aid
  • If the student’s GPA is below 2.75, the student will not be able to apply any of the Whittier merit/grant aid

As of July 1, 2013, a tuition waiver system became effective for Whittier Students who wish to participate in a Jan term or May term faculty-led travel course. Tuition is a separate fee from the faculty-led program fee. The tuition fee is currently $1,600 for either a Jan term or May term study travel course.

Whittier students receive two (2) waivers during their four (4) year undergraduate career at Whittier College:

  • Those students, who have completed one full year of study as a matriculated undergraduate student may redeem their first waiver to participate in a Jan term or May term study travel course.
  • The waiver will cover the $1,600 tuition fee, and students will pay only the program fee.
  • Those students, who have completed a second full year of study as a matriculated undergraduate student may redeem their second waiver to participate in a Jan term or May term study travel course.
  • The waiver will cover the $1,600 tuition fee, and students will pay only the program fee.
  • If Whittier students wish to participate in a Jan term or May term study travel course outside of the tuition waiver redemption guidelines above, the $1,600 tuition fee will apply, in addition to the program fee.
  • During an undergraduate four-year period, students will have up to eight (8) separate opportunities to participate in a study travel course during Jan term or May term.
  • They can redeem their earned tuition waivers for up to two (2) of these study travel courses, and for any additional study travel courses they wish to join, they will be charged applicable tuition, as described above.
  • Only one tuition waiver may be applied per academic year.
  • Non-Whittier student and non-student participants must pay both the tuition fee and the program fee for each Jan term and May term study travel course. Tuition waivers apply only to Whittier College students.

Residential Life

For Residential Life see here.

The Clift Microcomputer Lab

The Clift Microcomputer Lab, located in Hoover Hall, was upgraded recently and now has flat screen monitors, faster processors, and the current version of Microsoft Office. The Lab also has LAN connectivity, a video projector, and a lecture podium for small group learning. The updated Lab is generally open and available to students during the Fall and Spring semesters from 8 AM to 11 PM on Mondays through Thursdays, 8 AM to 5 PM on Fridays, and 1:00 PM to 11 PM on Sundays. The Lab also has a laser printer that is available for use at a nominal cost. The purpose of this Lab is to provide students with the IT support to develop business- related skills, including numerical and word processing, statistical analysis, and general business applications.

Greenleaf Gallery

For Greenleaf Gallery see here.

The GTE Language Resource Center

Thanks to a recent Critical Languages grant from the Department of Defense, the GTE Language Resource Center (LRC) was completely revamped for 2010. Lab technology now includes 20 MacBook and 5 iMac computers able to support all major European and Asian languages. Internet access and support for software packages in Windows and Mac allow for easy access to course and practice materials. A teacher console contains an international DVD player, speakers, with computer and multi-media projection on an LCD projector. There is also a large-screen LCD television with international news programming and DVD/VCR viewing capabilities. The organization of the room, with two round tables and one seminar table, is multi-use: tutoring, teaching, collaborative research and individual study. In all, the room now easily seats 30-35 people, 25 of whom can be provided with a computer, and students may bring their own to connect wirelessly. Faculty, students, and staff are welcome in the LRC during its regular open hours. Reservations for the room should be made with Department of Modern Languages secretary.

Information Technology Services

For Information Technology Services see here.

Lautrup-Ball Cinema

This high definition cinema is home to several film series that take place on campus each year, but serves the College primarily as instructional space. With 145 comfortable, theater-style seats with convenient “swing up” writing surfaces, instructors in Lautrup-Ball can project media in various formats (including Blu-ray discs and multi-region DVDs); use the central podium with dual platform computer - and mobile laptop computer compatibility - to run both Mac and Windows applications; or utilize the cinema’s document camera to capture and project various print media and photo slides “on the spot” without having to print a transparency ahead of time.

Math Lab

The Mathematics Department operates a Math Lab, located on the first floor of the Stauffer Science Building. The facility has a dozen computers loaded with widely used mathematical software applications such as Maple and MATLAB. Calculus classes meet in the Math Lab for weekly instructional labs. Students in higher-level mathematics courses also make extensive use of this facility.

Professional and Pre-Professional Programs

Career preparation is an important part of a Whittier education. The fields of law, education, social work, and the health services have traditionally drawn upon liberal arts graduates for advanced study in graduate schools or professional programs. Liberal arts students select an increasingly wide variety of careers in science, management, business, social service, government, religious vocations, journalism, and the fine arts.

Certain courses in the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities are generally required by professional schools for admission. Whittier College also offers more advanced courses that fulfill certain professional requirements. The following programs are outlined here to help students who intend to seek professional training after graduation. Students interested in professional programs should contact their faculty advisors for additional information.

Pre-Engineering (3-2) Program

For Pre-Engineering (3-2) Program see here

Pre-Health Sciences other than Pre-Physical Therapy

Whittier provides excellent preparation in the basic fields required for admission to accredited professional schools. There is a Health Science Advisory Committee of faculty members that works closely with each student. Students should plan to complete a Bachelor’s degree in a specific major before applying to the school. Although it is possible to enter some schools upon completion of 90 semester credits, most beginning health science students have completed four years of undergraduate work. It is important that each student determines the specific courses required for the schools to which application is made. Certain minimum requirements are common to most medical, dental, optometry, chiropractic and veterinary schools. These include one year of each of the following: biology, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physics and English. Strongly recommended courses include: math (often through calculus), additional biology (i.e. Genetics, embryology), social and behavioral sciences, and biochemistry. Other recommended courses are: anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and quantitative analysis. It is important to note that American medical colleges are now moving towards competency-based admissions so the course needed may be more flexible but more inclusive than other fields.

Students intending to pursue a health science program should contact an advisor in the Biology or Chemistry Departments immediately after admission to Whittier College to plan their curricula and to determine the specific requirements of the schools they are considering. Internship and shadowing experiences are also encouraged.


Courses in the following fields are recommended for those preparing to enter law school: business administration, economics, English, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology. Pre-legal students may take a major in any department or area of their choice. Such students are urged to consult the College’s prelaw advisors for more detailed guidance.


Early consultation with appropriate faculty is important for a smooth progression through undergraduate requirements and application to appropriate graduate programs.

Occupational Therapy: A major in psychology, music or art is recommended.

Physical Therapy: A major in kinesiology or biology (see Kinesiology, Pre-Physical Therapy Emphasis, B.A. ) is recommended. Common prerequisites for application to physical therapy programs include: general or cell & molecular biology, year sequence of anatomy/physiology, year sequence of general chemistry, year sequence of physics, introduction to psychology, a developmental course in psychology, one semester statistics, and at least one internship. Recommended courses: applied musculoskeletal anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor learning, and either pre-calculus or calculus.

Social Work Program

The Social Work Program has a unique role in the undergraduate curriculum of Whittier College. Its mission is consistent with the historical Quaker values of service, concern for the well-being of individuals, and respect for diversity in a global society, and the attainment of social and economic justice for all. The Social Work Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

The Program offers an excellent education for undergraduates with career interests in social services, especially social work practice. Students gain knowledge, values, and skills to work with numerous interacting systems: the individual, the family, small groups, the neighborhood and larger community, and a variety of social welfare organizations and social institutions.

The objective of the program is to prepare students for beginning generalist social work practice and for graduate social work education. Social work majors are required to take 9 units of specified liberal arts courses and 40 units of social work core courses. The core includes 400 hours of fieldwork in a human service agency that provides supervised practice experience appropriate to the students’ level of development. Student may also complete a minor in social work (18 credits).

Students are urged to consult the Social Work Program advisors in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work for more information.

Teacher Education

Whittier College has a long and proud tradition in the preparation of elementary and secondary teachers. Although a major in education is not allowed by the State of California, Whittier College is authorized by the State Board of Education and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to offer courses of study leading to the Multiple Subject (elementary) credential, the Single Subject (secondary) teaching credential, and Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe credential.

Multiple Subject credential candidates may complete an elementary subject matter program that provides academic preparation in all the content areas generally taught in the elementary school. The subject matter competency program is closely aligned with Whittier College’s Liberal Education Program, enabling students to work simultaneously toward a credential and completion of Liberal Education requirements. Currently, multiple subject teacher candidates are required to pass the CSET (California Subject Examinations for Teachers) to document subject matter expertise. A minor in Elementary Education is also available.

Single Subject credential candidates at Whittier may earn teaching authorization in such areas as English, history, mathematics, physical education, as well as others. Contact the Department of Education to obtain a current list of approved subject matter teaching authorizations, and appropriate CSET (California Subject Examinations for Teachers) to demonstrate subject matter expertise.

Education Specialist credential candidates earn a credential to serve children/ youth with Mild/Moderate disabilities. Candidates for Education Specialists often come from a variety of undergraduate majors. Contact the Department of Education credential analyst to determine the appropriate CSET (California Subject Examinations for Teachers) for the desired level of teaching.

Teacher credentialing programs in California generally require five years of college study. With guidance from academic (major) and Department of Education and Child Development advisors, students complete preliminary credential programs in four-and-one half years.


Ruth B. Shannon Center

For Ruth B. Shannon Center see here.

Summer Program

Fritz Smith, Associate Dean of Faculty, Coordinator of the Summer Program

The Whittier College Summer Program consists of three sessions with the dates specified in the Summer Brochure. Session I is scheduled for four weeks, Session II is scheduled for six weeks and Session III is scheduled for three weeks. Some courses are scheduled according to specific session dates and other courses are offered on dates that overlap into a different session. During Session I, students may take a maximum of four credits. During Session II, students may take a maximum of six credits. During Session III, students may take a maximum of three credits. The maximum number of credits for which any student may register during the summer is 13.

Some Liberal Education Requirements may be offered through the Summer Program. The Summer Program is of particular interest to graduate students enrolled in credential programs or the Master of Arts in Education Program. The summer curriculum features an intensive professional preparation sequence for Preliminary Multiple Subject (elementary) and Single Subject (secondary) Teaching Credentials.

Members of Whittier College faculty and select adjunct faculty teach Summer Program courses. All courses satisfy requirements for Whittier College academic credit and may be applied toward credential and degree requirements. The Summer Intensive Program has separate admissions requirements. Additional information is available from the Office of the Registrar or from the Department of Education and Child Development.