College Catalog 2019-2020 ARCHIVED CATALOG
Latino Studies
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Gustavo Geirola, Modern Languages, Spanish, Program Coordinator
Doreen O’Connor-Gómez, Modern Languages, Spanish
José Orozco, History
Rebecca Overmeyer-Velázquez, Sociology
The primary goal of the Latino Studies minor is to teach undergraduate students about Latino/a experiences, cultures, and contributions to the United States. Latinos and Latino cultures have to be studied with an eye towards the contributions of these immigrant groups in the United States, and with reference to the development of multiculturalism and globalization. Although Latinos continue to come from every country in Latin America, their predecessors have produced a history in the United States and contributed to its development as a nation through their work, cultural perspectives and literary and artistic production spanning more than four centuries. As such, the minor also emphasizes an understanding of Mexico, Central and South America, and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean.
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