Department of English Language and Literature
Tony Barnstone
Jonathan Burton, Chair
Michelle Chihara
Joe Donnelly
Douglas Manuel
Sean P.T. Morris
dAvid iAn pAddy
Andrea Rehn
At a college named after one of the most important of nineteenth-century American poets, a man known for his commitment to literary art as an agent of social and political justice, we believe that the study of language and literature is at the core of the liberal arts, those aspects of education that make us humane and free. English courses contribute broadly both to personal enrichment in the liberal arts tradition and to professional development in a variety of fields. Above all, we seek to instill a lifelong habit of reflection, the “delight in the life of the mind” so central to the college’s expressed mission. The study of literature enables us to understand ourselves and other people-as individuals, as participants in our own and other historical cultural traditions, and as human beings. We believe that the literary practice we have described here has real consequences in the life of the individual and the life of the community, and in our collective commitment to cultivating the attitudes and values appropriate for leading and serving in a global society. Many graduating English majors choose to teach-either at the elementary, junior high, or high school level, or, after suitable graduate work, at a college or university. The emphasis on textual analysis, critical thinking, and writing, however, makes English a strong undergraduate major for almost any career. Among the professions our graduates have entered are journalism, law, politics, medicine, library science, public service, business, public relations, social media marketing, technical writing and TV writing.
English Minor
English, B.A.
English, Creative Writing Emphasis, B.A.
ENGL 102 - Introduction to Journalism
ENGL 103 - Better Living through Media Literacy
ENGL 104 - New Media & Narrative
ENGL 107 - Introduction to Professional Writing
ENGL 111 - History of the English Language
ENGL 121 - Robin Hood Through the Ages
ENGL 122 - Lord of the Rings: JRR Tolkien
ENGL 130- Asian Literature
ENGL 131 - What are Humans?
ENGL 132 - Celtic Literature
ENGL 133 - Science Fiction
ENGL 141 - The Graphic Novel
ENGL 190 - Selected Topics
ENGL 202 - Writing Short Fiction
ENGL 203 - Writing Poetry
ENGL 204 - Playwriting Workshop
ENGL 205 - Writing Workshop: Ecopoetry
ENGL 206 - Writing Dramatic Monologues and Documentary Poetry
ENGL 207 - Writing Workshop: The Flesh and Bones of Poetry
ENGL 220 - Major British Writers to 1785
ENGL 221 - Major British & American Writers from 1660
ENGL 222 - Literature of the Bible
ENGL 270 - Transcultural Literature
ENGL 290 - Selected Topics
ENGL 295 - Independent Study
ENGL 302 - Advanced Fiction Writing
ENGL 303 - Advanced Poetry Writing
ENGL 305 - Screenwriting
ENGL 308 - Screenwriting: The Television Pilot
ENGL 310 - Linguistics
ENGL 312: Creative Nonfiction
ENGL 314 - New Media & Narrative
ENGL 319 - Early Modern Drama
ENGL 320 - Literature of Medieval Europe
ENGL 321 - British Literature 700-1500
ENGL 323 - Dante
ENGL 324 - Chaucer
ENGL 325 - Literature of the English Renaissance
ENGL 326 - Topics in Shakespeare
ENGL 328 - Shakespeare
ENGL 329 - Milton
ENGL 330 - British Literature 1640-1789
ENGL 331 - Rise of the Novel
ENGL 332 - 19th-Century English Novel
ENGL 333 - Jane Austen in Context
ENGL 334 - Romantic Poetry
ENGL 335 - Victorian Poetry
ENGL 336 - The European Novel
ENGL 337 - Gothic Fiction
ENGL 352 - The Modern British Novel
ENGL 353 - James Joyce
ENGL 354 - Late Twentieth-Century British Fiction
ENGL 355 - Social Justice Drama
ENGL 356 - Twenty-First-Century British Fiction
ENGL 357 - Contemporary Black British Literature
ENGL 358 - Postcolonial Novel
ENGL 361 - American Romanticism
ENGL 362 - American Realism & Naturalism
ENGL 363 - Modern American Novel
ENGL 364 - Modern American and International Poetry
ENGL 366 - Whitman and Melville
ENGL 370 - Contemporary American Fiction
ENGL 371 - Contemporary American Poetry
ENGL 373 - African-American Literary Tradition
ENGL 374 - Asian-American Literature
ENGL 375 - Chicano/Chicana Literature
ENGL 377 - Autobiography & the American Culture
ENGL 390 - Selected Topics
ENGL 395 - Independent Study
ENGL 400 - Critical Procedures in Language & Literature
ENGL 410 - Senior Seminar in English
ENGL 420 - Preceptorship: Teaching Literature
ENGL 490 - Selected Topics
ENGL 495 - Independent Study
Students should plan their course of study, in consultation with their faculty advisor, as soon as they have decided upon the major.
ENGL 120 or ENGL 220 (or an equivalent) is a prerequisite to all literature courses with a number of 300 or above, unless otherwise noted.
Note: INTD 100 - College Writing Seminar is not a departmental course. Neither it nor a course which met the freshman writing requirement at another institution may be counted toward the English major or minor.